The MMLA Short-Term Fellowship at the Newberry Library
The Midwest Modern Language Association collaborates with Chicago's Newberry Library to fund an annual short-term fellowship for PhD candidates or post-doctoral scholars. The fellowship provides support for one month in residence at the Newberry and a $2500 stipend. Applicants must be current members of the MMLA and demonstrate a specific need for the library's collection. At the Newberry's request, applicants must live outside Chicago. The fellowship must be used continuously (that is, without interruption), and the period for using it runs from June of the awarded year through August of the next year, giving the fellow two summers and the academic year between them in which to schedule a month in residence at the Newberry. The application deadline is December 15. To review the application procedures, please visit the Newberry's How to Apply webpage. If you have additional questions after referencing the Newberry's guidelines for applying, please email [email protected]. Past Fellowship RecipientsTo learn more about the projects of past MMLA-Newberry fellows, please select the corresponding links below.